How We’re Different
Is your work tied back to science?
This is a common quote from Dr. David Alleman Sr. When he first created his protocols for biomimetic dentistry, he was frustrated that traditional practices were resulting in pain and sensitivity for his patients. Years of visiting dental school libraries led him to discover that researchers had found answers to many of his questions, so why weren’t doctors using this research?
Dr. Alleman distilled this science into the techniques he uses and teaches today. This means every step in your treatment has a research-based foundation that supports its use, leading to teeth that stay healthy and whole for years, if not decades.
Good things take time
Conservation in dentistry means offering only the necessary treatments to restore the health of your tooth, not the cookie cutter approach of traditional dentistry that irreversibly damages your tooth.
In order to give a recommendation that meets your individual needs, we start by identifying the cause of symptoms or decay. This often means removing an old filling or crown to find the culprit. While we will offer as much guidance as we can ahead of your visit, we aren’t able to create your personal treatment plan until you are at the Alleman Center Dental Office. Then we can discuss your tooth’s health and our recommendations for treatment.
Insurance and Billing
Back to the cookie cutter approach — insurance companies love it. They pay dentists more for traditional treatments, despite them being worse for a patient’s health. Unfortunately, insurance providers haven’t caught up to the modern dental care that patients are asking for, but we still make sure your investment in your health is affordable.
Flexible billing: If you don’t have insurance or prefer not to use your insurance, we offer payment plans if you are unable to pay for your bill in full. At your appointment, we will give you an upfront cost for work because we don’t like surprise charges either.
We work with all insurance companies: While we do not bill insurance companies directly, we work with you to have your insurance help cover the costs of your biomimetic treatment. Notify us before your appointment if you would like to use your insurance. Patient Care Coordinator, Sheila, will help you gather and fill out the documents you need to request reimbursement from your insurance provider. Questions? Email us at office@allemancenter.com.
A conservative approach
A cookie cutter approach is fast. But fast dentistry comes at a cost to the patient. At the Alleman Center, we practice slow dentistry because slow dentistry is better dentistry.
Traditional practices will quickly recommend fillings, crowns and root canals rather than trying to address and resolve the cause of symptoms. We take the time to treat the cracks and decay that are causing pain and sensitivity, providing you with less invasive treatment and a healthier, symptom-free restoration.
The advanced techniques we use take time to offer the best outcome for your tooth. The strong bonds that seal your tooth from bacteria and strengthen it against cracks and gaps take time to form, so treatments can take one to two hours depending on your treatment plan. If you have questions about how long your appointment might take, contact us before you come in for your appointment.